By: Jin Yu Last Modified: 2021-10-16
Meltdown and Spectre exploit critical vulnerabilities in modern processors.
These hardware vulnerabilities allow programs to steal data which is currently processed on the computer. While programs are typically not permitted to read data from other programs, a malicious program can exploit Meltdown and Spectre to get hold of secrets stored in the memory of other running programs. This might include your passwords stored in a password manager or browser, your personal photos, emails, instant messages and even business-critical documents.
Meltdown and Spectre work on personal computers, mobile devices, and in the cloud. Depending on the cloud provider’s infrastructure, it might be possible to steal data from other customers.
There are also a lot of attack variants has been publish.
Meltdown(rogue data cache load) melts security boundaries which are normally enforced by the hardware. This attack breaks the most fundamental isolation between user applications and the operating system. This attack allows a program to access the memory, and thus also the secrets, of other programs and the operating system.
Spectre(bounds check bypass) base on speculative execution. This attack breaks the isolation between different applications. It allows an attacker to trick error-free programs, which follow best practices, into leaking their secrets. In fact, the safety checks of said best practices actually increase the attack surface and may make applications more susceptible to Spectre.
Any information gained from the implementation of a computer system that unexpected.
System memory is just like below.
| ---- UserMem ---- | ---- SysMem ---- |
| from Mem[0] to Mem[100] | from Mem[101] to Mem[200] |
| length equal x |
中,x的大小为A起始内存值到Sys Mem 中待攻击区域的内存长度,即 &A[x] <==> &target
// Spectre attack
// 由于分支预测的存在,下方代码会被提前执行,然后回退
y = arr[A[x]]
// Meltdown attack
for(i from arr.start to arr.end){
y = arr[i]
// Side-channel attack
// 已经被访问过的会在缓存中被hit
// 所以访问速度会很快
上述即为一个Meltdown attack的典型流程
对于Meltdown-Spectre Attack
可以通过软件方式来防范Meltdown-Spectre Attack
,但是会导致系统运行速度降低,要从根本上解决这个问题,可能需要硬件配合[From Google’s Blog]
[ZombieLoad attack | Github]( |
[maltdown | Github]( |
[spectre-attack | Github]( |